
The CheckboxList is used display a list of checkbox list items options. Various options can be configured to change its appearance, the way it gets data and other features like binding to other editors for a cascade effect.

Custom Item Render

CheckboxList can get data from an Url or a js function by setting DataFunc. The data returned must be a collection of KeyContent.
An additional parameter is sent to the Url/DataFunc using the Parameter extension.
Using a custom render function for the Item by setting ItemFunc property.
@(Html.Awe().CheckBoxList(new CheckBoxListOpt
Name = "Meals",
Url = Url.Action("GetMealsImgByCateg", "Data"),
ItemFunc = "site.imgItem"
}.Parameter("categories", Db.Categories[0].Id)))
public IActionResult GetMealsImgByCateg(int[] categories)
var url = Url.Content(DemoUtils.MealsUrl);
categories = categories ?? new int[] { };

var items = Db.Meals.Where(o => categories.Contains(o.Category.Id))
.Select(o => new MealDisplay(o.Id, o.Name, url + o.ImageName, o.Category.Id));

return Json(items);


@(Html.Awe().RadioButtonList(new RadioButtonListOpt
Name = "CatDd",
Url = Url.Action("GetCategories", "Data"),
Value = Db.Categories[2].Id

@(Html.Awe().CheckBoxList(new CheckBoxListOpt
Name = "MealsDd",
AutoSelectFirst = true,
Url = Url.Action("GetMeals", "Data")
}.Parent("CatDd", "categories")))
public IActionResult GetMeals(int[] categories)
categories = categories ?? new int[] { };
var items = Db.Meals.Where(o => categories.Contains(o.Category.Id))
.Select(o => new KeyContent(o.Id, o.Name));

return Json(items);

Select all option

Setting SelectAll option to get a checkbox that will toggle select/unselect all items
@(Html.Awe().CheckBoxList(new CheckBoxListOpt 
Name = "SelectAllOptChkl",
Url = Url.Action("GetCategories", "Data"),
SelectAll = true

Toggle select all using api

Using the checkboxlist api to call toggleSelectAll method to select/unselect all items

<div class="ib">
<button type="button" class="awe-btn" onclick="toggleChkl('chklCatAll')">toggle select all</button>
<br />
<br />
@(Html.Awe().CheckBoxList(new CheckBoxListOpt { Name = "chklCatAll", Url = Url.Action("GetCategories", "Data") }))
function toggleChkl(id) {

Set value from get items call

setting selected items in the controller by returning AweItems instead of KeyContent[]
