Client side api is called by doing $('#gridId').data('api') and an api method
.load({ reset: true }) - will bring the grid back to the initial state defined in the markup
.load({group, sort, params, oparams}) - loads the grid with the specified grouping rules, sorting and additional parameters,
if a property is omitted than the grid won't change it's state for that property;
for example calling .load({group: ['Food', 'Location']}) will change the grouping but won't affect the current sorting rules
.clearpersist() - clears the persistence data
@(Html.Awe().Grid("ApiDemoGrid") .Mod(o => o.Main()) .Columns( new Column { Bind = "Id", Width = 75 }, new Column { Bind = "Person" }, new Column { Bind = "Food.Name" }, new Column { Bind = "Price", Width = 100 }, new Column { Bind = "Date", Width = 130 }, new Column { Bind = "Location" }) .Height(350) .Url(Url.Action("ApiGrid")))
public class LunchGridController : Controller { private readonly MyContext mcx = new MyContext();// mock EF Db context
public LunchGridController() {
public IActionResult GetItems(GridParams g, int? country, string person, string food) { // get Lunch[] sample data (see other demos for EF demo) var query = getLunchesArray().AsQueryable();
// filtering if (person != null) query = query.Where(o => o.Person.ToLower().Contains(person.ToLower())); if (food != null) query = query.Where(o => o.Food.Name.ToLower().Contains(food.ToLower())); if (country.HasValue) query = query.Where(o => o.Country.Id == country);
// data can be from any source as long here you pass an IQueryable<T> var gmb = new GridModelBuilder<Lunch>(query.AsQueryable(), g);
// define grid key, used to identify rows gmb.KeyProp = o => o.Id;
// grid row model // columns bound to Prop1.Prop2 will automatically display Prop1Prop2, // or you could specify in the view Column.Prop ="Prop1Prop2", or ClientFormat = ".(Prop1Prop2)" gmb.Map = o => new { o.Id, o.Person, FoodName = o.Food.Name, FoodPic = o.Food.Pic, o.Location, o.Price, Date = o.Date.ToShortDateString(), CountryName = o.Country.Name, ChefName = o.Chef.FullName };
// Filter - custom extension in demo code // equivalent to .Where(o => o.Food.Name.Contains(food) || ...)
query = query .Filter(food, o => o.Food.Name) .Filter(person, o => o.Person);
if (country.HasValue) query = query.Where(o => o.Country.Id == country);
var gmb = new GridModelBuilder<Lunch>(query, g); gmb.KeyProp = o => o.Id; gmb.Map = o => new { o.Id, o.Person, FoodName = o.Food.Name, FoodPic = o.Food.Pic, o.Location, o.Price, Date = o.Date.ToShortDateString(), CountryName = o.Country.Name, ChefName = o.Chef.FullName };
return Json(await gmb.EFBuildAsync()); // you can use .Build() for non EF datasource (like a List<Lunch> query) // EFBuildAsync - custom extension for EF, you can copy it from demo source code } }
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