The InitCall html helper initiates a server call that can be executed using awe.oc(name, opt)
js function,
similar to, opt) used for opening popups.
@Html.Awe().InitCall("callHi").Url(Url.Action("SayHi")).Success("echo") @Html.Awe().InitCall("callName").Url(Url.Action("SayName")).Parent("txtName", "name").Success("echo") @Html.Awe().InitCall("callName2").Url(Url.Action("SayName")).Parent("txtName", "name") <p> <button type="button" class="awe-btn" onclick="awe.oc('callHi')">Click to call</button> </p> <p> <button type="button" class="awe-btn" onclick="awe.oc('callName', { params: { id: 15 } })">Call with parameters</button> <button type="button" class="awe-btn foo">Call 2</button> </p> @Html.Awe().TextBox("txtName").Placeholder("write a name here").Value("Art Vandelay") <script> function echo(res) { awe.flash(awem.notif(res)); } $(function() { $(document).on('click', '.foo', function() { var btn = $(this); var xhr = awe.oc('callName2', { params: { id: 20 } }); $.when(xhr).done(function(res) { var msg = $('<span> ' + res + '</span>'); btn.after(msg); awe.flash(msg); setTimeout(function () { msg.fadeOut(function () { msg.remove(); }); }, 1000); }); }); }); </script> Demos/Helpers/CallDemoController.cs
public class CallDemoController : Controller { public IActionResult Index() { return View(); } public string SayHi() { return "server says hi"; } public string SayName(string name, int id) { return "my name is " + name + "; id = " + id; } }