
The Awesome Popup component is used to open a popup window or a dropdown, it can be initialized in advance, or opened directly with javascript. The popup content can be defined as a static string, loaded from the server by setting an url, or use a js function that will set content, that function could also load the content via ajax or generate it, grab it from another part of the page. It can beinitialized using Html.Awe().InitPopup() and after opened using awe.open js function.
It can also be opened directly with awe.open without initializing it in advance.

Initialize and open popup on button click

Popup content loaded from server by setting url
@Html.Awe().InitPopup(new PopupOpt
Name = "popup1",
Url = Url.Action("Popup1"),
Title = "popup title"

@Html.Awe().Button().Text("Open Popup").OnClick(Html.Awe().OpenPopup("popup1"))

<button type="button" class="awe-btn" onclick="awe.open('popup1')">Open, without html helper</button>
public IActionResult Popup1()
return PartialView();
Popup content loaded via ajax at @DateTime.UtcNow.ToLongTimeString() UTC

Position top, modal, close on click outside

@(Html.Awe().InitPopup(new PopupOpt
Name = "popupTop",
Content = "top modal popup content",
Width = 1000,
Title = "top modal popup title",
LoadOnce = true,
Modal = true,
Top = true,
OutClickClose = true

@Html.Awe().Button().Text("Open top modal").OnClick(Html.Awe().OpenPopup("popupTop"))

Open without initialization

Open the popup in javascript without prior initialization.
Popup content is set by a js function which could make an ajax request to the server to get the content if needed.
@Html.Awe().Button().Text("Open Popup").OnClick("openPopupAwe()")

<button type="button" class="awe-btn" onclick="openDropdown(event)">Dropdown Popup</button>

function openPopupAwe() {
setCont: function (sp, o) {

var cont = $('<div style="padding: 0 3em;">Are you sure you want to perform this action?</div>');
btns: [
text: 'Yes',
ok: 1, // add okbtn class
action: function () {
text: 'No',
action: function () {
height: 200,
width: 700,
title: 'please confirm',
modal: true,
//content: 'hello world'
//top: true,
//close: function() { console.log('popup closed'); },
//url: '@Url.Action("Popup1")', // works if setCont and content not set
//params: { p: 123 }
//outClickClose: true,
//popupClass: 'class1',
//fullscreen: true,
//dropdown: true

function openDropdown(event) {
awe.open('dropDown1', {
content: 'hello world',
dropdown: true
}, event);
// event needed for the popup to know where to drop down from

Dropdown Popup

Open popup as a dropdown.
The Dropdown will use the eventpassed to awe.open to determine where to drop down from, however the opener can be also defined manually.

@(Html.Awe().InitPopup(new PopupOpt
Name = "popupdd1",
Url = Url.Action("DropdownContent"),
LoadOnce = true,
Dropdown = true

@Html.Awe().Button().Text("open popup").OnClick(Html.Awe().OpenPopup("popupdd1"))
<button type="button" class="awe-btn" onclick="awe.open('popupdd1', {}, event)">open the same popup</button>

<br />
<br />
function dropdownFromHeader(){
setCont: function (sp, o) {
var list = '<ul style="height:calc(100vh - 150px);">';
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
list += '<li class="mnitm"> item ' + i + '</li>';
list += '</ul>';
dropdown: true,
opener: $('#header'),
modal: true,
popupClass: 'sidePopup', // in site.css, removes padding from .awe-popup
width: 200
<button type="button" class="awe-btn" onclick="dropdownFromHeader()">dropdown from header</button>

Open dropdown popup on div click

click here
$(function () {
// touchstart for ipad
$(document).on('click touchstart', '.area', function (e) {
var ev = e.type == 'touchstart' ? e.originalEvent.touches[0] : e;
id: 'areaPopup',
content: 'popup positioned at XY:<br/> ' + ev.clientX + ' : ' + ev.clientY,
dropdown: true,
width: 200,
xy: { x: ev.clientX, y: ev.clientY } },
<div class="area">
<div class="msg">click here</div>


show tooltip here
hover me
hover me
hover me
hover me

@(Html.Awe().InitPopup(new PopupOpt
Name = "tip1",
Content = "hint content",
Dropdown = true

<div data-tip='classic tooltip' id='x1' class="tip1">
show tooltip here

<div class="tip2" data-info="first">hover me</div>
<div class="tip2" data-info="second">hover me</div>
<div class="tip2" data-info="third">hover me</div>

<div class="tip3">
hover me
<div class="hidden hint">
html <b>hint</b><br />
hint content hidden inside the hover element

$(function () {
hover: $('#x1'),
name: 'tip1' // popup name

hover: $('.tip2'),
name: 'tip2',
getCont: function (opener) { return opener.data('info'); },
hclose: true // will close when hovering the opened popup

hover: $(document),
hsel: '.tip3',
tclose: 50, // time to close, default 300
name: 'tip3Popup',
getCont: function (opener) { return opener.find('.hint').html(); }
.tip2, .tip1, .tip3 {
background: bisque;
display: inline-block;
margin: 1em;
padding: 1em;
color: #000;
<br />
<br />

Sending client side parameters to server on content load

Value sent to the server action that returns the popup content:
<input type="text" id="txtParam1" value="textbox value abc" />

<br />
@(Html.Awe().InitPopup(new PopupOpt
Name = "PopupParams",
Url = Url.Action("PopupWithParameters"),
ParameterFunc = "setParams"
.Parameter("p1", 15)))

@(Html.Awe().Button().Text("Open Popup")
.OnClick(Html.Awe().OpenPopup("PopupParams").Params(new { Id = 123 })))
function setParams() {
return { a: "hi", b: "how are you" };
public IActionResult PopupWithParameters(string parent, int p1, string a, string b, int id)
ViewData["parent"] = parent;
ViewData["p1"] = p1;
ViewData["a"] = a;
ViewData["b"] = b;
ViewData["id"] = id;

return PartialView();
parameter set in the OpenPopup call: id = @ViewData["id"]
<br />
value of the parent: @ViewData["parent"] <br/>
value of the p1 parameter: @ViewData["p1"] <br/>
<br />
parameters sent by js function set using ParameterFunc:<br/>
a = @ViewData["a"] <br/>
b = @ViewData["b"] <br/>

Full screen popup

@(Html.Awe().InitPopup(new PopupOpt
Name = "psize",
Url = Url.Action("PopupSize"),
Fullscreen = true,
Modal = true



<div id="p3Cont"></div>

@(Html.Awe().InitPopup(new PopupOpt
Name = "p3",
Url = Url.Action("PopupBtns"),
OnClose = "onClose",
Buttons = new []
new PopupButtonOpt{ Text = "Add hi text to div", Action = "addHi" },
new PopupButtonOpt{ Text = "Close", Action = "closePopup" },

<div id="p3Log"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function closePopup() {

function addHi() {

function onClose() {
awe.flash($('#p3Log').html('popup was closed at ' + site.getFormattedTime()));


Confirm popup close

@(Html.Awe().InitPopup(new PopupOpt
Name = "popConfirmClose",
PopupClass = "needConfirm",
Title = "Confirm close example",
Content = "closing this popup will open a confirm popup"

<button type="button" class="awe-btn" onclick="awe.open('popConfirmClose')">Open popup with confirm close</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
// registering a global confirm close for all popups that have "needConfirm" popup class
$(document).on('awebfclose', function (e, opt) {
var pdiv = $(e.target);
if (!pdiv.closest('.needConfirm').length || opt.force) return;
opt.noclose = true;

var mainApi = pdiv.data('o').cx.api;

content: '<div style="padding: 0 3em;">Are you sure you want to close this popup?</div>',
btns: [
text: 'Yes',
ok: 1, // add okbtn class
action: function () {
mainApi.close({ force: true });
text: 'No',
action: function () {
height: 200,
modal: true,
title: 'Confirm close'


Open any popup and try resizing the browser (try to make it smaller than the popup), works for popups from other helpers as well.


When there is more Popup helpers declared that have the same .Name(string), they will share the same popup window, so opening one will close the other; if you need to have popups with different names that close the other popups on open use .Group(string).

Popup Mods

Open animation

Using custom js to create a slide in animation when the popup opens.

@(Html.Awe().InitPopup(new PopupOpt
Name = "popupAnim",
Url = Url.Action("Popup1"),
Modal = true,
OutClickClose = true,
LoadOnce = true,
Title = "popup slide in animation"

@Html.Awe().Button().Text("popup slide in from right").OnClick(Html.Awe().OpenPopup("popupAnim").Params(new { slide = "right" }))
@Html.Awe().Button().Text("popup slide in from bottom").OnClick(Html.Awe().OpenPopup("popupAnim").Params(new { slide = "bot" }))
<button type="button" class="awe-btn" onclick="openPopSlide()">popup slide</button>
function openPopSlide() {
var popup = awe.open('popupAnim');
slide(popup, 'bot');

$(function () {
$(document).on('aweopen', '.awe-popup', function () {
var popup = $(this);
var o = popup.data('o');
var prms = o.params;

if (prms && prms.slide) {
slide(popup, prms.slide);

function slide(popup, from) {
var o = popup.data('o');
var max = from == 'bot' ? $(window).height() : $(window).width();
var transl = 'translate' + (from == 'bot' ? 'Y' : 'X');

var div = popup.closest('.o-pmc');
div.css('transform', transl + '(' + max + 'px)');

setTimeout(function () {
div.css('transition', '.5s');
div.css('transform', transl + '(0)');

setTimeout(function () {
o.nolay = 0;
div.css('transition', '');
div.css('transform', '');
}, 500);
}, 30);

See also the PopupForm helper used in Grid Popup CRUD demo, and in the Wizard Demo
