The CheckboxList is used display a list of checkbox list items options. Various options can be configured to change its appearance,
the way it gets data and other features like binding to other editors for a cascade effect.
Custom Item Render
CheckboxList can get data from an Url or a js function by setting DataFunc. The data returned must be a collection of KeyContent.
An additional parameter is sent to the Url/DataFunc using the Parameter extension.
Using a custom render function for the Item by setting ItemFunc property.
An additional parameter is sent to the Url/DataFunc using the Parameter extension.
Using a custom render function for the Item by setting ItemFunc property.
Select all option
Setting SelectAll option to get a checkbox that will toggle select/unselect all items
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Toggle select all using api
Using the checkboxlist api to call toggleSelectAll method to select/unselect all items
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Set value from get items call
setting selected items in the controller by returning
instead of KeyContent[]