Master Details Demo using the Grid and PopupForm
For master-detail grid see Master Detail Grid, or Hierarchy (Nested Grids)
Id | Name |
4317 | New Name edited | ||
4139 | McDowell's 1 | ||
4133 | Chotchkie's | ||
4127 | Chili's | ||
4121 | Flingers | ||
4115 | The Cheesecake Factory | ||
4109 | The Rolling Donut | ||
4103 | Big Kahuna Burger | ||
4097 | City Wok | ||
4091 | Cluckin' Bell |
show code
@{ var grid1 = "RestaurantGrid"; }
@Html.InitCrudPopupsForGrid(grid1, "MasterDetailCrudDemo", 470, 1000)
<div class="bar">
.Attr("data-syncg", "rest") // crud sync using signalr in site.js
new Column { Prop = "Id", Header = "Id", Width = 70 },
new Column { Bind = "Name" },
@model AweCoreDemo.ViewModels.Input.RestaurantInput
@using (Html.Awe().BeginContext())
var gridId = "AddressesGrid";
using (Html.BeginForm())
<div class="eform">
<div class="earea">
@Html.EditorFor(o => o.Id)
@Html.EditorFor(o => o.Name)
@Html.InitCrudPopupsForGrid(gridId, "AddressesGridCrud", 230)
<div class="bar">
@Html.CreateButtonForGrid(gridId, new { restaurantId = Model.Id }, "Add address")
@(Html.Awe().Grid(gridId).Url(Url.Action("GridGetItems", "AddressesGridCrud"))
.Parameter("restaurantId", Model.Id)
.Attr("data-syncg", "addr")
new Column { Bind = "Line1,Line2", ClientFormat = ".(Line1) .(Line2)", Header = "Address" },
new Column { Bind = "Chef.FirstName,Chef.LastName", Prop = "ChefName", Header = "Chef" },
@model AweCoreDemo.ViewModels.Input.RestaurantAddressInput
@using (Html.Awe().BeginContext())
using (Html.BeginForm())
<div class="eform">
<div class="earea">
@Html.EditorFor(o => o.RestaurantId)
@Html.EditorFor(o => o.Line1)
@Html.EditorFor(o => o.Line2)
@Html.EditorFor(o => o.ChefId)
public class MasterDetailCrudDemoController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
public IActionResult RestaurantGridGetItems(GridParams g)
var query = Db.Restaurants.Where(o => o.IsCreated).AsQueryable();
var gmb = new GridModelBuilder<Restaurant>(query, g)
KeyProp = o => o.Id,
GetItem = () => Db.Get<Restaurant>(Convert.ToInt32(g.Key))
return Json(gmb.Build());
public IActionResult Create()
// needed so we could add addresses even before the restaurant is created/saved
var rest = new Restaurant();
return PartialView(new RestaurantInput { Id = rest.Id });
public IActionResult Create(RestaurantInput input)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return PartialView(input);
var restaurant = Db.Find<Restaurant>(input.Id);
restaurant.Name = input.Name;
restaurant.IsCreated = true;
return Json(new { input.Id });
public IActionResult Edit(int id)
var rest = Db.Find<Restaurant>(id);
return PartialView("Create", new RestaurantInput { Id = id, Name = rest.Name });
public IActionResult Edit(RestaurantInput input)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return PartialView("Create", input);
var rest = Db.Find<Restaurant>(input.Id);
rest.Name = input.Name;
return Json(new { rest.Id });
public IActionResult Delete(int id)
var restaurant = Db.Find<Restaurant>(id);
return PartialView(new DeleteConfirmInput
Id = id,
Type = "restaurant",
Name = restaurant.Name
public IActionResult Delete(DeleteConfirmInput input)
return Json(new { input.Id });
public class AddressesGridCrudController : Controller
private object mapToGridModel(RestaurantAddress o)
return new
ChefName = o.Chef.FullName,
ChefId = o.Chef.Id // for inline editing, value to the Chef inline dropdown
public IActionResult GridGetItems(GridParams g, int restaurantId)
var query = Db.RestaurantAddresses
.Where(o => o.RestaurantId == restaurantId)
var gmb = new GridModelBuilder<RestaurantAddress>(query, g)
KeyProp = o => o.Id,
Map = mapToGridModel,
return Json(gmb.Build());
public IActionResult Create(int restaurantId)
return PartialView(new RestaurantAddressInput { RestaurantId = restaurantId });
public IActionResult Create(RestaurantAddressInput input)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return PartialView(input);
var address = new RestaurantAddress
Line1 = input.Line1,
Line2 = input.Line2,
RestaurantId = input.RestaurantId,
Chef = Db.Find<Chef>(input.ChefId)
return Json(mapToGridModel(address));
public IActionResult Edit(int id)
var address = Db.RestaurantAddresses
.First<RestaurantAddress>(o => o.Id == id);
return PartialView(
new RestaurantAddressInput
Line1 = address.Line1,
Line2 = address.Line2,
ChefId = address.Chef.Id,
RestaurantId = address.RestaurantId
public IActionResult Edit(RestaurantAddressInput input)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return PartialView("Create", input);
var address = Db.Find<RestaurantAddress>(input.Id);
address.Line1 = input.Line1;
address.Line2 = input.Line2;
address.Chef = Db.Find<Chef>(input.ChefId);
return Json(new { input.Id });
public IActionResult Delete(int id)
var address = Db.Find<RestaurantAddress>(id);
return PartialView(new DeleteConfirmInput
Id = id,
Type = "restaurant address",
Name = address.Line1 + " " + address.Line2
public IActionResult Delete(DeleteConfirmInput input)
return Json(new { input.Id });
#region for inline editing
public IActionResult CreateInline(RestaurantAddressInput input)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return Json(ModelState.GetErrorsInline());
var ent = new RestaurantAddress
RestaurantId = input.RestaurantId,
Line1 = input.Line1,
Line2 = input.Line2,
Chef = Db.Find<Chef>(input.ChefId)
return Json(new { });
public IActionResult EditInline(RestaurantAddressInput input)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return Json(ModelState.GetErrorsInline());
var ent = Db.Find<RestaurantAddress>(input.Id);
ent.Line1 = input.Line1;
ent.Line2 = input.Line2;
ent.Chef = Db.Find<Chef>(input.ChefId);
return Json(new { });
Inline editing inside details popup
Id | Name |
4317 | New Name edited | ||
4139 | McDowell's 1 | ||
4133 | Chotchkie's | ||
4127 | Chili's | ||
4121 | Flingers | ||
4115 | The Cheesecake Factory | ||
4109 | The Rolling Donut | ||
4103 | Big Kahuna Burger | ||
4097 | City Wok | ||
4091 | Cluckin' Bell |
show code
@{ var gridIE = "RestaurantGridIE1"; }
@Html.InitCrudPopupsForGrid(gridIE, "MasterDetailInline", 470, 1000)
<div class="bar">
.Attr("data-syncg", "rest") // crud sync using signalr in site.js
new Column { Prop = "Id", Header = "Id", Width = 70 },
new Column { Bind = "Name" },
@model AweCoreDemo.ViewModels.Input.RestaurantInput
@using (Html.Awe().BeginContext())
var gridId = "AddressesGrid";
// for delete we use the same controller actions as in the PopupForm Crud demo
@Html.InitDeletePopupForGrid(gridId, "AddressesGridCrud")
using (Html.BeginForm())
<div class="eform">
<div class="earea">
@Html.EditorFor(o => o.Id)
@Html.EditorFor(o => o.Name)
<div class="bar">
@Html.InlineCreateButtonForGrid(gridId, new { restaurantId = Model.Id }, "Add address")
.Url(Url.Action("AddressGrid", "MasterDetailInline"))
.InlEdit(new InlEditOpt {
SaveUrl = Url.Action("CreateAddr"),
EditUrl = Url.Action("EditAddr"),
RowClickEdit = true
.Parameter("restaurantId", Model.Id)
.Attr("data-syncg", "addr")
new Column { Bind = "Id", Width = 75 }
new Column { Bind = "Line1,Line2", ClientFormat = ".(Line1) .(Line2)", Header = "Address" }
new Column { Bind = "Chef.FirstName,Chef.LastName", Prop = "ChefName", Header = "Chef" }
.InlDropdownList(new DropdownListOpt { Name = "ChefId", Url = Url.Action("GetChefs", "Data") }),
Master Detail CRUD using in nest editing
Drag a column header and drop it here to group by that column
Id | Name |
4317 | New Name edited | ||
4139 | McDowell's 1 | ||
4133 | Chotchkie's | ||
4127 | Chili's | ||
4121 | Flingers | ||
4115 | The Cheesecake Factory | ||
4109 | The Rolling Donut | ||
4103 | Big Kahuna Burger | ||
4097 | City Wok | ||
4091 | Cluckin' Bell |
This demo is similar to the first one which uses PopupForms,
except here the Restaurant PopupForms (create/edit/delete) are opened inside grid nests
@{ var grid2 = "RestaurantGrid2"; }
@Html.InitCrudForGridNest(grid2, "MasterDetailCrudDemo")
<div class="bar">
<button type="button" onclick="aweUtils.nestCreate('@grid2', 'create@(grid2)')" class="awe-btn mbtn">Create</button>
.Attr("data-syncg", "rest")
new Nest { Name = "editnst", GetFunc = "aweUtils.loadNestPopup('edit" + grid2 + "')" },
new Nest { Name = "delnst", GetFunc = "aweUtils.loadNestPopup('delete" + grid2 + "')" })
new Column { Prop = "Id", Header = "Id", Width = 70 },
new Column { Bind = "Name" },
new Column { ClientFormat = GridUtils.EditGridNestFormat(), Width = GridUtils.EditBtnWidth },
new Column { ClientFormat = GridUtils.DeleteGridNestFormat(), Width = GridUtils.DeleteBtnWidth }))
Master Detail CRUD using Inline Editing and nesting
Id | Name |
4317 | New Name edited | |||
4139 | McDowell's 1 | |||
4133 | Chotchkie's | |||
4127 | Chili's | |||
4121 | Flingers | |||
4115 | The Cheesecake Factory | |||
4109 | The Rolling Donut | |||
4103 | Big Kahuna Burger | |||
4097 | City Wok | |||
4091 | Cluckin' Bell |
show code
var grid3 = "RestaurantGridInline";
<div class="bar">
@Html.Awe().Button().Text("Create").OnClick("$('#" + grid3 + "').data('api').inlineCreate()").CssClass("mbtn")
.Attr("data-syncg", "rest")
.InlEdit(new InlEditOpt {
SaveUrl = Url.Action("Create", "RestInl"),
EditUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "RestInl"),
RowClickEdit = true
.Nests(new Nest { Name = "detailnst", Url = Url.Action("Addresses", "RestInl"), LoadOnce = true })
new Column { ClientFormat = ".(Id)", Header = "Id", Width = 70 }
new Column { Bind = "Name" }
.Mod(o => o.Inline(Html.Awe().TextBox("Name"))),
new Column
ClientFormat = "<button type='button' class='awe-btn detailnst'>details <i class='caretc'><i class='o-caret'></i></i></button>",
Width = 130
/* hide addresses button for new rows */
.o-glnew .detailnst {
display: none;
.caretc {
position: relative;
padding: .3em .5em;
display: inline-block;
.caretc .o-caret {
transform: rotate(-90deg);
zoom: 1.1;
.detailnst-on .caretc .o-caret {
transform: rotate(0);