
Pick a meal:

Lookup needs a controller or urls to be specified, by default convention the lookup will look for a controller with the same name as it + "LookupController"

  • action GetItem - used to show the value in the readonly field, it will receive a v parameter which is going to be the key of the selected item
  • action Search - gets data for the search result in it's popup, it should return a Json(AjaxListResult), so it has same features as the AjaxList (table layout, custom item template)
@(Html.Awe().LookupFor(o => o.Meal)
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

using AweCoreDemo.Models;
using AweCoreDemo.Utils;
using Omu.AwesomeMvc;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AweCoreDemo.Data;
using AweCoreDemo.Utils.Awesome;

namespace AweCoreDemo.Controllers.Awesome.Lookup
public class MealLookupController : Controller
private readonly MyContext mcx = new MyContext();// mock EF Db context

public MealLookupController()


public async Task<IActionResult> GetItem(int? v)
Check.NotNull(v, "v");
var o = await mcx.FindAsync<Meal>(v) ?? new Meal();

return Json(new KeyContent(o.Id, o.Name));

public async Task<IActionResult> Search(int page, string search = "")
var query = mcx.Meals.Filter(search, o => o.Name);

var res = await EFAweUtil.BuildListAsync(query, page, keyContentFunc: o => new KeyContent(o.Id, o.Name));

return Json(res);
