Export grid to Excel, Pdf and txt (csv)
This demo is showing how to build the grid model and use it to export the data in various formats (xls, pdf, txt) using external libraries and custom code.
Export the content of a grid to excel, pdf and txt file (csv).
To create an excel file we're using the NPOI library.
For exporting to Pdf the iText7 library is used.
To get the entire source code you can download this demo.
For exporting to Pdf the iText7 library is used.
To get the entire source code you can download this demo.
var grid = "LunchGrid";
.Mod(o => o.ColumnsSelector())
new Column { Bind = "Id", Width = 80 },
new Column { Bind = "Person" },
new Column { Bind = "Food.Name" },
new Column { Bind = "Date", Width = 150 },
new Column { Bind = "Price", ClientFormatFunc = "priceFormat", Width = 110 },
new Column { Bind = "Country.Name", Header = "Country" },
new Column { Bind = "Chef.FirstName,Chef.LastName", Prop = "ChefName", Header = "Chef" },
new Column { Bind = "Location" }))
<br />
<div class="bar">
<button id="exportGrid" type="button" class="awe-btn">Export grid to excel</button>
<button id="exportGridPdf" type="button" class="awe-btn">Export grid to Pdf</button>
<button id="exportGridTxt" type="button" class="awe-btn">Export grid to txt (csv)</button>
<div style="padding: 0 1em; display: inline-block;">
<label>@Html.Awe().CheckBox("allPages") All pages</label>
<br />
<br />
<button id="exportAll" type="button" class="awe-btn">Export all records to excel</button>
$(function() {
$('#exportAll').click(function() {
getFile('@Url.Action("ExportAllToExcel", "GridExportToExcelDemo")');
$('#exportGrid').click(function() {
getFile('@Url.Action("ExportGridToExcel", "GridExportToExcelDemo")');
$('#exportGridPdf').click(function() {
getFile('@Url.Action("ExportGridToPdf", "GridExportToExcelDemo")');
$('#exportGridTxt').click(function() {
getFile('@Url.Action("ExportGridToTxt", "GridExportToExcelDemo")');
function getFile(url) {
var $form = $('<form method="post"/>').attr('action', url).appendTo('body');
var grid = $('#@(grid)');
// request parameters (sorting, grouping, any parent parameters)
var req = grid.data('api').getRequest();
// send visible columns info, binds to GridExpParams
var viscols = aweUtils.getVisCols(grid);
function(v) {
$form.append("<input type='hidden' name='visNames' value='" + v + "'/>");
function(val) {
$form.append("<input type='hidden' name='" + val.name + "' value='" + val.value + "'/>");
function priceFormat(lunch, prop) {
var price = lunch[prop];
return price + ' USD';
public class GridExportToExcelDemoController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
public IActionResult GetItems(GridParams g)
return Json((BuildGridModel(g)).ToDto());
private GridModel<Lunch> BuildGridModel(GridParams g)
var query = Db.Lunches.AsQueryable();
var gmb = new GridModelBuilder<Lunch>(query, g)
KeyProp = o => o.Id,
Map = o => new
FoodName = o.Food.Name,
Date = o.Date.ToShortDateString(),
CountryName = o.Country.Name,
ChefName = o.Chef.FullName
MakeFooter = info =>
if (info.Level == 0)
return new
Id = "Total",
Price = "Min: " + info.Items.Min(o => o.Price),
Date = "Max: " + info.Items.Max(o => o.Date).ToShortDateString()
return new
Price = "Min: " + info.Items.Min(o => o.Price),
Date = "Max: " + info.Items.Max(o => o.Date).ToShortDateString()
return gmb.BuildModel();
private ExpColumn[] getExpColumns()
var expColumns = new[]
new ExpColumn { Name = "Id", Width = 1.5f },
new ExpColumn { Name = "Person", Width = 2.5f },
new ExpColumn { Name = "Food", Width = 3 },
new ExpColumn { Name = "Date", Width = 2.2f },
new ExpColumn
Name = "Price",
Width = 2,
// if you don't specify ClientFormatFunc the builder (xls/pdf/txt) will use model[Name] to get the cell value
ClientFormatFunc = (lunch, property) =>
var value = lunch.GetType().GetProperty("Price")?.GetValue(lunch).ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
value += " USD";
return value;
new ExpColumn { Name = "CountryName", Width = 3, Header = "Country" },
new ExpColumn { Name = "ChefName", Width = 3.2f, Header = "Chef" },
new ExpColumn { Name = "Location", Width = 2.7f }
return expColumns;
public IActionResult ExportGridToExcel(GridParams g, GridExpParams expParams, bool? allPages)
if (allPages.HasValue && allPages.Value)
g.Paging = false;
var gridModel = BuildGridModel(g);
var workbook = new GridExcelBuilder(getExpColumns())
// adding ExpParams so the hidden columns won't get exported
ExpParams = expParams
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
return File(stream.ToArray(), "application/vnd.ms-excel", "lunches.xls");
public IActionResult ExportGridToTxt(GridParams g, GridExpParams expParams, bool? allPages)
if (allPages.HasValue && allPages.Value)
g.Paging = false;
var gridModel = BuildGridModel(g);
var res = new GridTxtBuilder(getExpColumns())
// adding ExpParams so the hidden columns won't get exported
ExpParams = expParams
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(memoryStream))
return File(memoryStream.ToArray(), "text/plain", "lunches.txt");
public IActionResult ExportGridToPdf(GridParams g, GridExpParams expParams, bool? allPages)
if (allPages.HasValue && allPages.Value)
g.Paging = false;
var gridModel = BuildGridModel(g);
var builder = new GridPdfBuilder(getExpColumns())
// adding ExpParams so the hidden columns won't get exported
ExpParams = expParams
var workStream = new MemoryStream();
var writer = new PdfWriter(workStream);
var pdf = new PdfDocument(writer);
var document = new Document(pdf);
document.Add(new Paragraph("Hello World!"));
document.Add(new Paragraph("Export to pdf example (using iText7)"));
document.Add(new Paragraph(new Text("\n")));
var table = builder.Build(gridModel);
var byteInfo = workStream.ToArray();
workStream.Write(byteInfo, 0, byteInfo.Length);
workStream.Position = 0;
return File(workStream, "application/pdf", "lunches.pdf");
/// <summary>
/// Demonstrates the simplest way of creating an excel workbook
/// it exports all the lunches records, without taking into account any sorting/paging that is done on the client side
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public IActionResult ExportAllToExcel()
var workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
var sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("sheet1");
var res = Db.Lunches.ToArray();
var items = res.Select(
o => new
FoodName = o.Food.Name,
CountryName = o.Country.Name,
ChefName = o.Chef.FullName
var properties = new[] { "Id", "Person", "FoodName", "CountryName", "ChefName", "Location" };
var headers = new[] { "Id", "Person", "Food", "Country", "Chef", "Location" };
var headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(0);
// create header
for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)
var cell = headerRow.CreateCell(i);
// fill content
for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
var rowIndex = i + 1;
var row = sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);
for (int j = 0; j < properties.Length; j++)
var cell = row.CreateCell(j);
var o = items[i];
cell.SetCellValue(o.GetType().GetProperty(properties[j]).GetValue(o, null).ToString());
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
return File(stream.ToArray(), "application/vnd.ms-excel", "lunches.xls");