Grid CRUD using Popup Demo
Grid crud, built using the Grid and PopupForm helpers called via InitCrudPopupsForGrid,
each PopupForm has Success js function assigned, these functions are located in aweUtils.js. Create post action returns the grid model for the new Item so the js func will render and append it.
Post actions return a json object which tells the PopupForm that the result is a success, that json object contains the id property which is used to flash the row.
Delete PopupForm has OnLoad js func used to animate the row that is about to be deleted.
Make sure to use "return PartialView" for PopupForm/Popup views this will ignore _viewstart.cshtml so that you don't use the _Layout.cshtml and realod all the scripts, and as a result break the js.
each PopupForm has Success js function assigned, these functions are located in aweUtils.js. Create post action returns the grid model for the new Item so the js func will render and append it.
Post actions return a json object which tells the PopupForm that the result is a success, that json object contains the id property which is used to flash the row.
Delete PopupForm has OnLoad js func used to animate the row that is about to be deleted.
Make sure to use "return PartialView" for PopupForm/Popup views this will ignore _viewstart.cshtml so that you don't use the _Layout.cshtml and realod all the scripts, and as a result break the js.
var gid = "DinnersGrid";
@Html.InitCrudPopupsForGrid(gid, "DinnersGridCrud")
<div class="bar">
<div style="float: right;">
.OnClick(Html.Awe().OpenPopup("create" + gid)))
.Mod(o => o.Main())
.Url(Url.Action("GridGetItems", "DinnersGridCrud"))
.Parent("txtSearch", "search")
.Attr("data-syncg", "dinner")
new Column { Bind = "Id", Width = 75 },
new Column { Bind = "Name" }.Mod(o => o.Nohide()),
new Column { Bind = "Date" },
new Column { Bind = "Chef.FirstName,Chef.LastName", Prop = "ChefName", Header = "Chef" },
new Column { Prop = "Meals", Header = "Meals", Grow = 2, MinWidth = 200 },
new Column { Bind = "BonusMeal.Name", Prop = "BonusMeal", Header = "Bonus Meal"},
/// </summary>
/// parameters for Edit, Delete controller Actions need to remain called "id", that's how they are set in GridUtils.cs ( "params:{{ id:" );
/// or in MapToGridModel additionally to o.MyId add another property Id = o.MyId
/// and for the action columns (edit, delete btns) you can either specify the MyId property (e.g. GridUtils.EditFormatForGrid("DinnersGrid", "MyId"));
/// change the Bind = "MyId" (if you have an Id column),
/// Note: If your Key Property is not "Id" (but "MyId"), you need to change the GridModelBuilder.Key = "MyId" in GridGetItems and in the view
/// <summary>
public class DinnersGridCrudController : Controller
private static object MapToGridModel(Dinner o)
Date = o.Date.ToShortDateString(),
ChefName = o.Chef.FullName,
Meals = string.Join(", ", o.Meals.Select(m => m.Name)),
BonusMeal = o.BonusMeal.Name
public IActionResult GridGetItems(GridParams g, string search = "")
var query = Db.Dinners
.Where(o => o.Name.Contains(search)).AsQueryable();
var model = new GridModelBuilder<Dinner>(query, g)
KeyProp = o => o.Id, // needed for api select, update, tree, nesting, EF
Map = MapToGridModel,
return Json(model.Build());
public IActionResult Create()
// make sure to use "return PartialView" for PopupForm/Popup views
// this will ignore _viewstart.cshtml so that you don't use the _Layout.cshtml and reload all the scripts
return PartialView();
public IActionResult Create(DinnerInput input)
return save(input);
public IActionResult Edit(int id)
var dinner = Db.Dinners
.Single(o => o.Id == id);
var input = new DinnerInput
Id = dinner.Id,
Name = dinner.Name,
ChefId = dinner.Chef.Id,
Date = dinner.Date,
MealsIds = dinner.Meals.Select(o => o.Id),
BonusMealId = dinner.BonusMeal.Id
return PartialView("Create", input);
public IActionResult Edit(DinnerInput input)
return save(input);
private IActionResult save(DinnerInput input)
if (!ModelState.IsValid) return PartialView("Create", input);
var isCreate = !input.Id.HasValue;
var ent = isCreate ? new Dinner() :
.First(o => o.Id == input.Id);
ent.Name = input.Name;
ent.Date = input.Date.Value;
ent.Chef = Db.Find<Chef>(input.ChefId);
// ToList req for EF
ent.Meals = Db.Meals
.Where(o => input.MealsIds.Contains(o.Id)).ToList();
ent.BonusMeal = Db.Find<Meal>(input.BonusMealId);
ent.Organic = input.Organic ?? false;
if (isCreate)
// json obj = success for the popupform, id is used to flash the row
return Json(new { Id = ent.Id });
public IActionResult Delete(int id)
var dinner = Db.Find<Dinner>(id);
return PartialView(new DeleteConfirmInput
Id = id,
Type = "dinner",
Name = dinner.Name
public IActionResult Delete(DeleteConfirmInput input)
// delete PopupForm's success function will use the Id to animate the row
return Json(new { Id = input.Id });
@model AweCoreDemo.ViewModels.Input.DinnerInput
@using (Html.BeginForm())
using (Html.Awe().BeginContext())
<div class="eform">
<div class="earea">
@Html.EditorFor(o => o.Name)
@Html.EditorFor(o => o.Date)
@Html.EditorFor(o => o.ChefId)
<div class="earea">
@Html.EditorFor(o => o.BonusMealId)
@Html.EditorFor(o => o.MealsIds)
Grid Crud Inline Popup
Crud popups are open inline, inside a div identified by id.
var gid1 = "GridInline1";
@Html.InitCrudPopupsForGrid(gid1, "DinnersGridCrud", inlineContId: "inlCont1")
<div class="bar">
<div style="float: right;">
.OnClick(Html.Awe().OpenPopup("create" + gid1)))
.Mod(o => o.Main())
.Url(Url.Action("GridGetItems", "DinnersGridCrud"))
.Parent("txtSearch1", "search")
.Attr("data-syncg", "dinner")
new Column { Bind = "Id", Width = 75 },
new Column { Bind = "Name" }.Mod(o => o.Nohide()),
new Column { Bind = "Date" },
new Column { Bind = "Chef.FirstName,Chef.LastName", Prop = "ChefName", Header = "Chef" },
new Column { Prop = "Meals", Header = "Meals", Grow = 2, MinWidth = 200 },
new Column { Bind = "BonusMeal.Name", Prop = "BonusMeal", Header = "Bonus Meal"},
$(function () {
var inlc = $('#inlCont1');
inlc.on('aweopen', function () {
<div id="inlCont1"></div>